Love Potion No. 12: The Cocktail You’ll Fall For This V-Day!
Crafting cocktails is one of my favorite pastimes, and this one has definitely earned the title of my signature drink in our household. It also happens to be my mom’s absolute favorite - fitting, since her birthday is just two days before Valentine’s Day, her favorite color is pink, and she loves all things raspberry. Naturally, this was the perfect choice for our Valentine’s Day concoction!
The recipe itself is incredibly simple, but you can easily take it to the next level with a chilled glass and by infusing your own vodka. It’s super easy - just add raspberries or strawberries to a mason jar with vodka, let it sit for at least 24 hours in a cool, dry place, and voilà! You’ve got a beautifully infused vodka that elevates the drink to something extra special.
I’d love to know what you think - give it a try and let me know!
2oz. of strawberry or raspberry infused (or flavored) vodka
1 oz. regular vodka
10-12 raspberries
2 oz. of peach juice
1 oz. simple syrup
In a small glass, pour simple syrup and add your raspberries
Muddle the raspberries and simple syrup together
Fill your shaker about a quarter of the way with ice
Pour in your vodka(s) and peach juice
Add raspberry/simple syrup mixture and shake!
Strain into coupe glass
Garnish with some raspberries!